Removing Empty Folders From Your Mail
A few weeks ago someone asked about removing empty folders from their mail. They were archiving stuff and the archive didn't remove the empty folders, so their mail file had a bunch of empty folders lying around. Here is code that can be placed in a button. The button goes through all the folders in the current database (which is assumed to be their mail file because the button was sent to them). If an empty folder is found, they are prompted whether it should be deleted or not. If the user says "Yes", then the folder is marked for deletion (not immediately deleted). After all the folders are investigated, the ones that were marked for deletion are deleted from the database. All throughout the process messages are printed to the status bar. Sub Click(Source As Button)
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim viewNames() As String
Dim count As Integer
Dim firstDoc As NotesDocument
Dim results As String
Dim answer As Integer
Dim designDoc As NotesDocument
Dim view As NotesView
Dim user As String
Dim foundAny As Integer
Print "Initializing..."
user = session.UserName
Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
count = 0
foundAny = False
Forall indView In db.Views
If indView.IsFolder Then
Set designDoc = db.GetDocumentByUNID(indView.UniversalID)
If designDoc.Signer = user Then ' Ignore system folders like ($Inbox)
Print "Checking " & indView.Name & "..."
Call indView.Refresh ' Make sure we have the latest index
Set firstDoc = indView.GetFirstDocument
If firstDoc Is Nothing Then
foundAny = True
results = "The folder " & indView.Name & " is empty. Would you like to delete it?"
answer = Msgbox(results, 64+3, "Results")
If answer = 2 Then Exit Sub ' User clicked cancel
If answer = 6 Then ' User clicked Yes
Redim Preserve viewNames(count)
viewNames(count) = indView.Name
count = count + 1
End If
End If
Print indView.Name & " is a system folder... Skipping..."
End If
Print indView.Name & " is not a folder... Skipping..."
End If
End Forall
Print " " ' Clear the status bar
If Not foundAny Then ' No empty folders were found
Msgbox "No empty folders were found in " & db.Title & ".", 64, "Results"
Exit Sub
End If
If count = 0 Then Exit Sub ' No empty folders marked for deletion
For count = 0 To Ubound(viewNames)
Print "Deleting folder " & viewNames(count) & "..."
Set view = db.GetView(viewNames(count))
If Not view Is Nothing Then Call view.Remove
Print " "
End Sub