Reg Exp
Web Design
Notes Client
Random File Name
In a couple of instances we've had a need to create a temporary file on the local file system (either a client machine or the server). The temporary file needs to be a file that doesn't exist on the file system (we don't want to overwrite something that exists). So we ended up writing a little function to create a random file name that doesn't exist on the local system.

To use this function, pass in the starting directory and the file extension. A good way to get the starting directory is to find out the Notes Data directory from the notes.ini file using this statement:

directory = session.GetEnvironmentString("Directory", True)

You will be told the data directory (in either the client or server environment) and can use that to pass into the function. Here is the function:

Function RandomFileName(inpDir As String, ext As String) As String
   ' Pass in the name of a directory, build a random file name, make sure the file does not exist
   ' in the directory, and then return the full path (directory + file name) to the new file name.
   Dim directory As String
   Dim slash As String
   Dim checkFileName As String
   Dim fileName As String
   Dim i As Integer
   Dim num As Integer
   Dim ch As String
   directory = inpDir  ' We don't want to change the passed-in parm, so make a local copy of the value
   If Instr(directory, "/") = 0 And Instr(directory, "\") = 0 Then
      RandomFileName = ""  ' No slashes. Unknown file system setup - return empty string
      Exit Function  ' ======== EXIT ============
   End If
   If Instr(directory, "/") <> 0 And Instr(directory, "\") <> 0 Then
      RandomFileName = ""  ' Both slashes. Unknown file system setup - return empty string
      Exit Function  ' ======== EXIT ============
   End If
   If Instr(directory, "/") <> 0 Then slash = "/" Else slash = "\"
   ' Make sure the directory exists first
   If Right(directory, 1) <> slash Then directory = directory & slash  ' Format dir so it ends in a slash
   On Error Resume Next
   checkFileName = Dir$(directory & "*.*")  ' Look for something in the directory
   On Error Goto 0
   If Err <> 0 Then  ' Will give a "path not found" error if the path doesn't exist
      Err = 0
      RandomFileName = ""
      Exit Function  ' ======== EXIT ============
   End If
   fileName = ""  ' Get us into the while loop
   While fileName = ""
      For i = 1 To 8  ' Random file name will have 8 characters
         If i = 1 Then num = Rnd * 52 Else num = Rnd * 62  ' starts w/ a letter, but other chars can be nums
         Select Case num
         Case 0 To 25 : fileName = fileName & Chr$(Asc("A")+num)  ' 0...25 = upper case letter
         Case 26 To 51 : fileName = fileName & Chr$(Asc("a")+num-26)  ' 26...52 = lower case letter
         Case 52 To 61 : fileName = fileName & Cstr(num-52)  ' 52...61 = number
         End Select
      checkFileName = Dir$(directory & fileName & "." & ext)  ' See if the file exists
      If checkFileName <> "" Then fileName = ""  ' If found, continue the while loop
   ' At this point, the random file name doesn't exist in the dir - return full path to the new file
   RandomFileName = directory & fileName & "." & ext
End Function

The function returns a random file name that does not exist in that directory, or an empty string if there was some kind of an error.