Reusable Object Library
What is it?Breaking Par's Reusable Object Library is an application where developers can document reusable design elements (or groups or elements that make up one system) and then easily bring those design elements into other applications.
Updated! Domino 7 introduced two new types of design elements - Shared Columns and Web Services. The Reusable Object Library application supports these new design elements, so they can be reused throughout your organization easily!
How does it work?
First, you need to document your object. (The term "object" is used because an object can contain one design element or multiple). You provide some basic information about the object:
- The name of the object
- Where the design element(s) are kept (what database holds the elements)
- What type(s) of design elements are used (one or more)
- What names(s) of design elements are used (one or more for each type of design element)
- If there is an example that shows off the object, information about that example (what database, etc.)
- The category this object falls into
- A rich text description of the object (how to use it, etc.)
What does it cost?
You can choose from one of three purchase options. With Level 0, you receive the Reusable Object Library database only. You would use this option if your organization already has several reusable design elements or wishes to create your library from scratch. This option costs $30 (US) to purchase.
With Level 1, you receive the Reusable Object Library database, a couple of databases filled with source design elements (over 50 images, and over 20 LotusScript libraries), and a database which shows some of the LotusScript libraries in action. This option costs $50 (US) to purchase.
With Level 2, you receive everything from Level 1 and more. You receive more images (over 60 total), more LotusScript libraries (over 30 total) in the source design elements, and you also receive a third source database with some JavaScript libraries (over 25 total). You also (if you have Notes 6 or higher) receive an additional database where you can download new design elements as they are posted on the Breaking Par web site. This option costs $100 (US) to purchase.
Couldn't I build this myself?
If your organization is using Notes/Domino 6 exclusively, then it would be possible to build this application yourself using the NotesNoteCollection class to find design elements. Our application works on both Notes 5 and Notes 6. (It actually works on Notes 4 as well, but the interface is not very attractive because we made use of Notes 5 features when creating the interface). Also, do you think you could design, develop, and debug the entire application in an hour? Because that's about the equivalent cost of purchasing Level 0, which is what your application would mimic (it wouldn't have any design elements in it initially, either). And the cost of Level 0 is at or under the going rate for a single hour of Notes development work.
Does it work on the web?
The Reusable Object Library database has a web interface. The actual copy of the design elements needs to be done in Notes, however. So the action button in the document (the action button isn't available in the view over the web) launches your Notes client and begins the copy process.
Additional Features
Some additional features of the Reusable Object Library database include:
- Multiple source databases. Your source design elements can come from multiple databases. This way you can have multiple development teams contribute source design elements, and all teams reap the benefits. The only restriction is that all the design elements that make up a single object have to come from the same database.
- Ability to reuse the "single occurrence" design elements like the About This Database document, the Shared Actions design element, and others.
- No duplication of design elements. If you are copying a design element that already exists in the destination database (the same type of element with the same name, or one of the "single occurrence" elements) you are prompted to keep the old version or replace it with the new version.
- Easy setup. If you purchase Level 1 or Level 2 from us, then you simply put the databases on your server and open up the library database. You will be prompted to start the setup process which will ask you for the location of the files, and then set up all the source documents automatically to point to the right locations on your server.
- Copying multiple design elements at once. If you have a reusable "system" that includes a form, a view, a script library, some image resources (for your form/view action buttons), and maybe an agent, this tool is for you. You can create one Resuable Object Library record, list out all those design elements, and with one click of a button other developers will copy the entire system into their database. No design element will be skipped, and the copy process will take far less time than it would if they had to find all the elements themselves.
- If you have Notes 6 and you purchase Level 2, then you can download new design elements that are posted on the Breaking Par web site. When certain design elements are posted, you have the ability to download the design element and documentation from the Breaking Par web site.
How do I purchase?
The Reusable Object Library is no longer available for purchase. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Aren't the included elements in Level 1 and Level 2 available on your web site?
Many of the design elements included in Level 1 and Level 2 are on our web site. Many of the images are available in the templates that come with Notes 5. Some images were created by Breaking Par employees, and some of the LotusScript and JavaScript functions aren't available on our web site. If you already have a library of functions created and are just looking for a way to organize them, then Level 1 and Level 2 are not for you and you should choose Level 0. If you haven't already created design elements for the functions listed on our web site, then it might be worth the small upgrade in price to save you that time and effort, plus you'll get a few things that can't be found on the web site.