Reg Exp
Web Design
Notes Client
Decode URL
Although we have heard of an @-function that will decode a URL, but it is undocumentend at this time. In the mean time, here is a generic LotusScript function that will decode any URL.

Update: We have been made aware that the older version of this function did not handle Unicode characters. They are encoded with a "%u" prefix and include 4 hex characters after the "%u". The version below supports Unicode characters.

URL's are encoded by replacing spaces with plus signs and replacing symbols with "%" followed by their 2 digit (hex) ASCII value. The character "%" is encoded to "%25", so all "%" characters are encoded, and the "+" character is encoded to "%2B", so all "+" characters are replaced spaces. Note that "%" can be used or "%x" to get the same result (%2B = %x2B = the + character). Instead of listing out all the possible characters in a big "case" statement, this function acts generically:

Function URLDecode(inpString As String) As String
   Dim temp As String
   Dim hexValue As String
   Dim ch As String
   Dim pos As Integer
   Dim newPos As Integer
   ' First, replace any plus signs with spaces
   temp = inpString
   While Instr(temp, "+") <> 0
      temp = Left(temp, Instr(temp, "+")-1) & " " & Mid(temp, Instr(temp, "+")+1)
   ' Next, replace any "%x" encodings with the character
   pos = 1
   While Instr(pos, temp, "%x") <> 0
      hexValue = Mid(temp, Instr(pos, temp, "%x")+2, 2)
      ch = Chr$(Val("&H" & hexValue))
      newPos = Instr(pos, temp, "%x")+2
      temp = Left(temp, Instr(pos, temp, "%x")-1) & ch & Mid(temp, Instr(pos, temp, "%x")+4)
      pos = newPos
   ' Next, replace any "%u" encodings with the Unicode character
   pos = 1
   While Instr(pos, temp, "%u") <> 0
      hexValue = Mid(temp, Instr(pos, temp, "%u")+2, 4)    ' Unicode encodings are 4 hex characters
      ch = Uchr$(Val("&H" & hexValue))
      newPos = Instr(pos, temp, "%u")+2    ' Skip over so we don't find "%" if that's what it was decoded to
      temp = Left(temp, Instr(pos, temp, "%u")-1) & ch & Mid(temp, Instr(pos, temp, "%u")+6)
      pos = newPos
   ' Next, replace any "%" encodings with the character
   pos = 1
   While Instr(pos, temp, "%") <> 0
      hexValue = Mid(temp, Instr(pos, temp, "%")+1, 2)
      ch = Chr$(Val("&H" & hexValue))
      newPos = Instr(pos, temp, "%")+1
      temp = Left(temp, Instr(pos, temp, "%")-1) & ch & Mid(temp, Instr(pos, temp, "%")+3)
      pos = newPos
   URLDecode = temp
End Function